Dec 1, 2012

The poison




The Poison, kills or sometimes fails
If  genuine, does what it labeled for
Sure it will leave you half way often...

Of different colours and scents,
Of many forms of matter though
The instinct friend of many....

A poison which is really different
Starts its work slowly initially
Accelerates towards the midst

A poison which is never cursed
Shines with its elegance rendered
Sweetens with addiction like a drug

A poison which none ever denied
Its grace for which all looks for
Its killing capacity all wants

A poison I never wanted to have
But being not an exception
Fell to the sea of that poison

A poison never offered, but I took
When I start sipping the tasty
It started swallowing my system

A poison all knows not genuine
Never offers sudden death to escape
Reluctant to cause seize soon

A poison, well known for all
A poison, well made for all
A poison, well fits for all

And it is poison as what it gives
And it is poison as it kills
And it is poison as it is.... Love


Unknown said...

Good One!

Unknown said...

Nice...Really love is a poison which spoiled lives of many...... :-(

Jayasree. P. R. said...

thank u dears

Unknown said...

super :)